Workshop sobre anéis criativos

Title Workshop on Creative ring
Course code IN174-06-2014-AT
Objective This course teaches students to make good used of metal wire to create a wire wrapped ring, with adding student’s special design to create an unique handmade accessories in personal style, aiming to motivate students creativity and design ability.
  1. Basic wire wrapping technique
  2. Attaching beads and metal material to ring base
Assessment In-class performance and exercises
Target audience Interested parties
Prerequisite N/A
Class size 15
Instructor Ms. Ao Lai Ka, CPTTM Appointed Instructor
Instruction language Cantonese
Handout language Handouts in Chinese (traditional)
Duration 3 hours in 1 sessions
Schedule 14:00-17:00, Jun 7, 2014 (Saturday).
Fee MOP200
Venue House of Apparel Technology (Rua dos Pescadores, Ed. Industrial Ocean, Fase II, 10 andar Macau)
Certificate Certificate of Attendance issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and completing in-class exercises).



Estilistas Participantes

Ao Lai Ka


